Please help me about my visa and divorce

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Indlæg: 52
Tilmeldt: 06.06.2022 02:20:26

Re: Please help me about my visa and divorce

Indlæg af Itsme » 19.02.2023 04:37:41

Is it possible if someone goes to Portugal and applies there too and then comeback ; i mean because i had my biometrics done here so can i apply there and get citizenship in 5-6 years …
Because many people says Dk is always reluctant to give cotizenship to forigners and it takes alot of time too amd conditions are bit tough too …
Kindly throw some light on this …

Indlæg: 12137
Tilmeldt: 09.06.2007 19:00:10

Re: Please help me about my visa and divorce

Indlæg af skaanebo » 19.02.2023 10:42:41

I'm not sure what your question is, actually?

If you decide to move to Portugal, you will start all over, and you must look into what kind of laws Portugal has in regards to naturalisation. You will also lose your residence permit in Denmark if you move to Portugal (the laws governing this aspect I have explained to you already previously).

But once you have obtained Portugese citizenship, you are free to move to Denmark using EU laws as an EU citizen.

Indlæg: 52
Tilmeldt: 06.06.2022 02:20:26

Re: Please help me about my visa and divorce

Indlæg af Itsme » 25.06.2023 21:10:57

What is the difference between different EU residency cards i.e A card/B card/C card ?

Indlæg: 435
Tilmeldt: 17.01.2023 05:43:55

Re: Please help me about my visa and divorce

Indlæg af mhg » 26.06.2023 09:59:07

A = continuous residence permit. B = temporary residence permit. P = permanent residence permit. P-EU or P-EY = a long-term resident's EU residence permit issued to a third-country national.
Juniorrådgiver for ÆUG

Indlæg: 52
Tilmeldt: 06.06.2022 02:20:26

Re: Please help me about my visa and divorce

Indlæg af Itsme » 06.07.2023 22:31:37

Can one have and apply after A card completing 5 years in EU ???

Indlæg: 435
Tilmeldt: 17.01.2023 05:43:55

Re: Please help me about my visa and divorce

Indlæg af mhg » 07.07.2023 14:15:26

The A residence card should be the one you have now. The P residence card is, as the letter indicates, the permanent residence card, you may apply for after having had legal residence for 5 years.
Juniorrådgiver for ÆUG

Indlæg: 52
Tilmeldt: 06.06.2022 02:20:26

Re: Please help me about my visa and divorce

Indlæg af Itsme » 11.05.2024 22:40:33

I have the temporary residence card for Denmark which is still valid for 2.5 years ; can i apply for permanent residence card because its been my 5 years living now here under EU rules before brexit
If yes
1-what documents do i need
2-do i have to apply online
3-please share the link and guide
Thank you !

Indlæg: 52
Tilmeldt: 06.06.2022 02:20:26

Re: Please help me about my visa and divorce

Indlæg af Itsme » 12.05.2024 17:48:04

Please anyone do reply to the post above !
Thanks !

Indlæg: 435
Tilmeldt: 17.01.2023 05:43:55

Re: Please help me about my visa and divorce

Indlæg af mhg » 12.05.2024 18:16:00

If your residence is still based on the EU-rules - which it should be - you can apply for a permanent EU-residence card.

All the information you need you may find here: ... n/EU%20TUB
Juniorrådgiver for ÆUG

Indlæg: 10
Tilmeldt: 04.09.2019 13:18:35

Re: Please help me about my visa and divorce

Indlæg af Winther » 02.12.2024 23:39:05

When I divorced my husband, I turned to the immigration lawyer for help. Then I decided that it would be best to move back home.

I went to and they helped me with moving all the things, and now I'm finally home safely.
