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Prove 3 of 5 Years Employement For Marriage Points

: 21.07.2024 19:57:55
af ExtraAnthony
What exactly and how do I prove I worked full time for the years I worked? I can look at my tax returns but they just show the amount of money I earned, and I worked mainly salary so my hours were never counted for the majority of my employment.

Also there were a few large stretches of time where I was "unemployed" but in the same year was working 80+ hour weeks (6 months on, 6 months off), do these "average out" across the year?

Do they take the whole 5 years and average 30 across everything or is it like each year independently is counted and you need to have worked 3 of the 5 years?

What kind of documents and things can I do that would count towards this? Thanks!

Re: Prove 3 of 5 Years Employement For Marriage Points

: 25.07.2024 08:21:31
af mhg
You must have contracts and payslips, surely? Find them or contact your employers and ask copies.

As for how to count employment:
"You need to have worked full-time for at least 3 of the past 5 years

You meet one of the conditions of the integration requirement if you have worked for at least 3 of the last 5 years prior to applying for a residence permit.

In order to meet this condition, you need either to have held a regular, full-time position, or been self-employed. Employment in Denmark (if you have previously held a work and residence permit) and work abroad both count towards this condition.

Regular work should be understood to mean either that your position is covered by a collective bargaining agreement or that your pay and working conditions are normal for the position. If your employer received a public subsidy to cover a portion of your wages, the position does not qualify as regular work. Internships or other positions that are a part of an educational programme do not qualify as regular work.

Full-time work should be understood to mean an average work week of at least 30 hours.

Periods of self-employment can be counted towards this condition if the activity was your primary occupation, and your intention was to use it as a means to support yourself financially. The amount of time you spent working for yourself each week needs to have been comparable to 30 hours of regular employment.

You also satisfy this condition if you have reached the pensionable age in your home country, since retirement can be considered as a period of employment."

When you apply for permanent residence, this applies (I don't know whether it is the same rule for the integration requirement) ... 0residence
"In order to qualify for a permanent residence permit, you must have had regular, full-time employment or been self-employed in Denmark for at least 3 years and 6 months during the 4 years prior to the date the Immigration Service reaches a decision about your application for permanent residence.

This means that during the past 4 years you must have had regular, full-time employment for at least 3 years and 6 months in total.

:!: It is not necessary to have been employed continuously for 3 years and 6 months. You could, for example, have worked full-time for a year, been unemployed for 6 months, and then have worked full-time again for 2 years and 6 months. :!:

What is regular, full-time employment?
Regular employment should be understood to mean that your employer does not receive public funding, such as wage subsidies (løntilskud), in connection with your employment. Your pay and working conditions should also meet the level established in the applicable collective-bargaining agreement, or otherwise be considered normal for the position.

Full-time employment is work in Denmark with an average hours of minimum 30 hours per week. This corressponds to at least 120 hours per month.

If you have worked more than one job at a time, you meet the regular, full-time employment requirement if your combined total number of hours is 30 hours per week or 120 hours per month. The 30 hours per week or 120 hours per month are calculated as a result for each month and not as an average calculation over an entire year. Therefore, you cannot calculate a total number of hours for a year and distribute the hours to each month.

The following types of employment are considered regular employment:
Paid employment, minimum 30 hours per week, or 120 hours per month
Work as self-employed if the work carries the same weight as a regular full-time employment, and the work can be characterized as main occupation in order to become self-sufficient
Working for a business owned by your spouse, if the work is taxable and can be considered regular, full-time employment
Sick leave, holiday, absence to care for family members and parental leave etc, within the terms and conditions of your employment
Periods where you are covered by a contractual strike or lockout within the terms of the conditions of your employment
Flexjob – If it meets the terms established by the Active Employment Policy Act (lov om en aktiv beskæftigelsesindsats), a flexjob is considered regular employment, even though the employer may have received a subsidy to pay your wages. A flexjob counts as full-time employment regardless of the number of hours you worked"

Re: Prove 3 of 5 Years Employement For Marriage Points

: 28.07.2024 22:19:49
af ExtraAnthony
I don't have contracts or payslips from some of my jobs is the issue, and in only one of my offer letters did they state "full time", otherwise I'm just hired for an annual salary amount, for instance one job I was hired at 50k/year, but no where in my pay slips, or in the contract does it state the hours I worked - And some of these salary jobs I was working 60+ hours/week, but since hours weren't logged I have no way to "prove" that. The only thing I can prove is that I was employed during those times and the money I made during those times, I can't prove the amount of hours that I worked though, and I can't find any paystubs or writing in the contracts that specify hours.

Re: Prove 3 of 5 Years Employement For Marriage Points

: 29.07.2024 08:45:19
af mhg
You must then prove that your pay and working conditions met the level established in the applicable collective-bargaining agreement, or otherwise were considered normal for the position. According to the nature of your job it must be possible to calculate a normal hourly wage, and thus convert salary to hours of work.