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Giftes i Tyrkiet ( Marmaris

: 26.03.2023 14:45:26
af AnnetteE
Er der nogen der kan hjælpe mig med at fortælle hvilke papir jeg skal have med fra Danmark hvis jeg skal giftes med min kæreste i Tyrkiet.
Jeg bliver helt forvirret over Google
Vh Annette

Re: Giftes i Tyrkiet ( Marmaris

: 27.03.2023 13:46:37
af mhg
Jada, du kan læse det på engelsk her (der gælder samme regler for hele Tyrkiet): ... w-To-Marry

"Petition of the Marriage;to start an action, the groom and bride must file a petition of the marriage in person at the Municipality (Belediye), called as “Evlenme Beyannamesi” in Turkish.

Passport and Birth Certificate, , which has to be translated in Turkish by relevant authorities; this can be the Turkish Embassy in your country of origin or a certified notary in Turkey.

Health Certificate,, which has to be taken from a State medical institution in Turkey, named as “Saglik Ocagi” or “Devlet Hastanesi” in Turkish. Any report to be issued by private hospitals or clinics will not be accepted.

Photos:Six passport size photos belonging to bride and to groom.

Certificate of Celibacy (Certificate of Capacity to Marry), which states if a person is single, divorced, or widow. To be taken from the proper Civil Status Register of his/her own country. If this Certificate is to be issued in the country of the foreigner then it should be certified by the Turkish Consulate or Embassy there or it should have an apostil. It should also be translated into Turkish and notarized, otherwise it will not be valid. The Certificate of Celibacy can also be issued by the Consulate of the country of the foreigner located in Istanbul which has to be certified by the Governor of Istanbul (Istanbul Valiligi) located in Cagaloglu neighbourhood. Or if it’s issued by the Embassy of the country of the foreigner in Ankara then it has to be certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Turkish Republic in Ankara.

Accommodation Document:: if both partners are foreigners then a letter should be written by the hotel that they’re staying. In this letter, the duration of stay and date of departure will be written."

Lægeattesten får du i Tyrkiet, da enhver praksis der ved præcis. hvilke tests der skal tages.

Dine danske dokumenter skal du have en apostille på (dog ikke passet), og de SKAL oversættes af en tyrkisk autoriseret oversætter (yeminli tercüman). Afhængigt af, hvor i Tyrkiet du skal giftes, kan det være billigst at få dem oversat der, og ellers kan du få dem oversat i DK af en oversætter, som det tyrkiske konsulat har godkendt. Du skal altså have dit pas oversat, samt fødsels- og civilstandsattest.

Apostille er sådan en fisk: ... dokumenter

Spørg igen, hvis du er i tvivl om noget. Jeg bor i Istanbul og deltids i Ayvalik.