Mixed religious couple?

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ÆUG´s bestyrelse
Indlæg: 55
Tilmeldt: 29.09.2013 08:48:54

Mixed religious couple?

Indlæg af ÆUG´s bestyrelse » 18.12.2014 14:36:29

Er du i et ægteskab eller i et parforhold, - helst med børn - hvor den ene part er muslim og den anden er kristen, så er avisen Jyllands-Posten interesseret i at tale med jer.

Det skyldes, at en meningsmåling viser, at stadig flere danskere ville være bekymrede for at se, at deres søn eller datter bliver gift med en muslim. Avisen ville gerne tale med ægtepar, hvor den ene er muslim og den anden er kristen for at kunne tegne et nuanceret billede af, hvilke udfordringer man møder som et sådant mixed-religions par - og hvordan man overkommer dem.

Ring venligst til journalist Orla Borg på telefon 87 38 32 65, hvis I vil være med.

Indlæg: 1
Tilmeldt: 16.03.2015 10:22:32

Re: Mixed religious couple?

Indlæg af amalfatima » 16.03.2015 10:27:26


am looking for a journalist to cover a story for me. does anyone know a good journalist preferably in vejle or around there?

Indlæg: 12137
Tilmeldt: 09.06.2007 19:00:10

Re: Mixed religious couple?

Indlæg af skaanebo » 16.03.2015 10:38:57

I'm a journalist by profession but if you believe that journalists are put into this world simply to "cover stories" given to them by people, your perception is wrong.

Journalists don't work like that. At least not in Denmark. Journalists come up with their own ideas (or have ideas passed on to them by their editors) and then they start to do some research and interview people. Of course they are inspired by what they hear and see so your best bet is to simply talk to a journalist you know or write someone you read/hear/see because you follow the media.

Indlæg: 15458
Tilmeldt: 15.07.2008 15:58:34

Re: Mixed religious couple?

Indlæg af fundiver199 » 16.03.2015 17:36:43

Unless you have a story, which is really a "scoop" for a journalist because of some sort of sensational or entertainment value, you can not just "order" media attention to your personal story, because it would suit you.

So if you have any chance at all depends completely on the nature of the "story", which you have to offer a journalist with exclusive rights for his media.

Asking if someone know a "good" journalist is therefore rather pointless, if you dont tell, what your story is about. Its a bit like asking, if someone know a good technician without telling, if it is your motorcycle, your washing mashine or your cellphone, you want to have fixed, and what is wrong with it.

It is pretty obvious though that large nationwide media have many stories to select from. So all else being equal, it will always be easier to get a local media interested in a story, since they have less material to choose from.

As an example ÆUGs councelling day in Silkeborg was intensily covered by the local newspaper. But the councelling day in Copenhagen got no coverage at all, despite the fact that a pressemeddelelse had been send out in advance, and that a journalist had taken contact to ÆUG as a result of it. But apparently something else turned up, which was deemed to be more interesting. And maybe it was, so nothing wrong with that.
