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Redaktører: ZB, AUG Board

Indlæg: 2
Tilmeldt: 12.11.2014 18:45:28

Søger afslagsbreve fra Udlændingestyrelsen eller Statsforvaltningen

Indlæg af LindaLundPedersen » 25.03.2015 10:54:50

Kære Alle, (below in English)

I forbindelse med mit Phd-projekt om familiesammenføring og dansk statsborgerskab søger jeg breve, hvori Udlændingestyrelsen eller statsforvaltningen begrunder deres afslag for familiesammenføring i Danmark. Jeg lover at brevene vil blive fuldt anonymiseret. Brevene kan sendes til følgende email adresse: l.l.pedersen@lse.ac.uk. enten som et mobiltlf. Billede eller som en scanning af brevet. Jeg håber, at samle så mange breve som muligt.
På forhånd tusind tak.
Lidt om mig: Jeg PhD-studenrende ved Centre for the Study of Human Rights & Sociology, London School of Economics and Political Science. Min afhandling bærer den fortløbende titel: Whose Rights, Whose Space? The Danish Alien Act and family migration: a case study of spatial segregation of the intimate sphere.

Dear All,
In relation to my PhD project on Danish family reunification and citizenship and I am looking for letters where the Danish Immigration Service or the State administration gives a reason for their rejection of family reunification in Denmark. I guarantee the letters will be fully anonymised. The letters can be send to the following email l.l.pedersen@lse.ac.uk. either as a mobile photo or as a scan.
A bit about me: I’m a PhD Candidate at the Centre for the Study of Human Rights & Sociology, London School of Economics and Political Science. The dissertation working title is: Whose Rights, Whose Space? The Danish Alien Act and family migration: a case study of spatial segregation of the intimate sphere.

