Sufficient connection to Denmark?

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Tilmeldt: 07.11.2022 18:05:13

Sufficient connection to Denmark?

Indlæg af curlymind » 17.07.2024 12:17:29

My Danish husband and I are considering separating, and I'm trying to get a general sense of how likely I am to be able to stay here in DK if we do.

I'm American, in DK on a family reunification visa via my marriage. I understand that if we separate, my residency permit is likely to be revoked—but that they will first ask if there's any reason they should extend it. If I understand correctly, the only thing that will convince them to rule in my favor (of extending my residency) is if they feel I would be harmed by having to leave DK, and/or have sufficient connection to stay here. (Is this correct?)

I realize they rule on these things on a case-by-case basis, with no hard and fast rules. But I'm wondering if it even *sounds* like I'd have a good chance of being allowed to stay: I've been living in DK for almost 2 years, I speak Danish fluently and have passed PD3, I'm a member of a forening, I spent at least 2 weeks (often 3 or 4) of every year in Denmark for 15 years before moving here and I can prove it, and I'm very close to my husband's parents and the rest of his side of the family--including kids and teens who I've known since birth (nieces and cousins). My parents in the US are deceased.

I'm a self-employed consultant, so I don't have an actual employer in DK and most of my clients are in the US, but I work full-time and pay taxes here like anyone else. I also have a CVR number here that I use for Danish clients.

Does anyone have any idea of whether this is enough connection to DK to make my chances of being able to stay decent? I know that nobody can say for sure, but I'd love to have *some* idea of whether I *could* possibly be allowed to stay.... Thanks in advance for any insight!

Indlæg: 372
Tilmeldt: 17.01.2023 05:43:55

Re: Sufficient connection to Denmark?

Indlæg af mhg » 21.07.2024 07:25:16

I think your chances are slim. If you were from a third world country like Afghanistan, they would be slightly better, and if you had a child that you were raising and would continue to raise together, they would be good, as you would be able to apply for residence based on the relation with the child.
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