average income for PR

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Tilmeldt: 05.06.2022 04:39:28

average income for PR

Indlæg af KcR » 15.09.2023 14:00:13

Hej Lovely people,

I just got little confuse on letter from Ulændingestyrelsen. I have type down important part. hope it is not long:

...''Oplysninger i sagen:
Du har i ansøgningen oplyst på tro og love, at du har haft en gennemsnitlig årlig indkomst på 309,824,37 kr i de seneste 2 år

Har du bemærkninger?
Vi har under sagens behandling indhentet oplysininger fra elndkomst. det fremgår af oplysningerne, at du har haft indkomst på 581.121,43kr de seneste 2 år, svarende til en gennemsnitlig årlig indkomst på 290,560, 72kr.

det betyder, at dine oplysninger ikke stemmer overens med de oplysninger, som vi har indhentet fra elndkomst.

hvis du er uenig i de oplysninger, som vi har indhentet fra elndkomst, skal du sende dine bemærkninger og evt. dokumnetation til os inden 2 uger.....''

context is; I have applied PR 5 months ago. and this above topic is about average income per year US is talking about. Which they are saying I click yes on 309.....in last 2 year average salary. I click yes only because if I added both my normal salary plus my arbejdsmarkedpension (which is around 37000 per year) it is will be enough and over the requirements. and I have heard that arbedsmarkedpension is also my income which i get every month and paid tax too.

So my question is did i click something wrong, and what explanation should i give to US.

I hope this one is clear and not so long.

thanks kind people, hope to hear some answer.

Kind Regards

Indlæg: 322
Tilmeldt: 17.01.2023 05:43:55

Re: average income for PR

Indlæg af mhg » 15.09.2023 16:53:43

Yes, "Indbetalinger til arbejdsmarkedspension"/ Payment of labour-market pension can be added to you income - it ought to be specified in your pay slips.

You will find that info on nyidanmark:
https://nyidanmark.dk/en-GB/Applying/Pe ... 0residence
"You can meet 1 of the 4 supplementary requirements by having an annual taxable income of DKK 309,824.37 (2023 level) or more for the 2 years prior to the Immigration Service reaching a decision about your application for a permanent residence permit.

The types of taxable income listed below can be included when calculating whether your annual taxable income has averaged DKK 309,824.37 (2023 level) or more.

Income taxed at source (A-indkomst)
Income not taxed at source (B-indkomst)
Wages paid as subsistence allowance, including food and lodging
Payment of labour-market pension (arbejdsmarkedspension)
Wages paid abroad, if the wage would have been taxable in Denmark"

In Danish:
https://nyidanmark.dk/da/Applying/Perma ... 0residence
Du kan opfylde 1 af de 4 supplerende betingelser, hvis du har haft en årlig skattepligtig indkomst på gennemsnitligt 309.824,37 kr. (2023-niveau) eller derover de seneste 2 år forud for tidspunktet, hvor der træffes afgørelse om permanent opholdstilladelse.

Følgende typer af skattepligtig indkomst indgår bl.a. i beregningen af, om du har haft en årlig skattepligtig indkomst på gennemsnitligt 309.824,37 kr. (2023-niveau) eller derover:

Løn udbetalt i form af diæter, herunder kost og logi
Indbetalinger til arbejdsmarkedspension
Løn udbetalt i udlandet, hvis denne ville have været skattepligtig i Danmark.

So just copy-paste the link + the relevant info + your payslips or whatever documentation you have for the pension payments.
Juniorrådgiver for ÆUG

Indlæg: 8
Tilmeldt: 05.06.2022 04:39:28

Re: average income for PR

Indlæg af KcR » 18.09.2023 14:42:15

Thank you for your swift reply. I am sending them my payment slip ( last two years) highlighting pension payment.

thanks again. Have a nice day :)
