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Having danish residency and swedish work permit

: 30.11.2018 22:33:57
af govindudu
I am in a situation where i have a danish permanent residence and very hard time to get a job suitable to my academic qualifications. I am in a job process with a swedish company which is willing to apply for work permit. I am thinking to apply for dispensation for 2 yrs. Is it possible to get dispensation fr bortfald? My danish spouse and 2 kids will stay in denmark and i visit them every 1,2 weeks. Suggestions welcome.

Re: Having danish residency and swedish work permit

: 01.12.2018 19:54:48
af mh1

Re: Having danish residency and swedish work permit

: 02.12.2018 07:23:47
af govindudu
I have some doubts on practical issues, i will apply for dispensation as soon as we agree on employment term and get the contract. Employer will apply for work permit as a certified employer with migrationsverket which will take 4 weeks. I am not sure how long dispensation at udlændige center will take? Can i start working in sweden with samordningsnummer without registering there untill i get dispensation? When i get my dispensation then i will apply for personnummer in sweden. This is my understanding right now. What do you say?

Re: Having danish residency and swedish work permit

: 02.12.2018 08:31:52
af skaanebo
Where in Denmark do you live and where in Sweden will you be working? If you could commute and spend 4 nights a week in Denmark or 16 nights in a month, then you would not need to seek dispensation.

Re: Having danish residency and swedish work permit

: 02.12.2018 11:51:44
af mh1
Sorry, I have no input as for the practical procedure.

Re: Having danish residency and swedish work permit

: 02.12.2018 16:15:59
af govindudu
I live in copenhagen and my work place would be Stockholm, so staying in denmark for 4 days in a week is almost impossible. So only options seems to be to get dispensation and move Sweden for sometime and try to get job in malmo in coming future. The company has its branch in Malmo as well. But as of now the position will be Stockholm.